Subscription Policy

Our subscription service for products offers a convenient and hassle-free way to ensure you never run out of your essential items. Here's what you need to know about our subscription policy:

  • Subscription Benefits:

  • Automated Deliveries: Enjoy the ease of receiving your chosen products at regular intervals without the need to reorder.

    Cost Savings: Subscribers receive exclusive discounts or promotional offers on their recurring orders.

    Flexibility: Easily manage, modify, or cancel your subscription at any time through your account settings.

  • Subscription Frequency:

  • Choose the delivery frequency that suits your needs, whether it's monthly, every 6 months, or another schedule that aligns with your usage preferences.

  • Order Customization:

  • Prior to each shipment, you have the flexibility to adjust your subscription content, quantities, or even try new products that align with your needs.

  • Billing and Payments:

  • When you register, you expressly acknowledge and agree that (a) Labonec LLC (or our third party payment processor) is automatically authorized to charge you approximately every four weeks for your monthly subscription (in addition to any applicable taxes and other charges) for as long as your subscription continues, and (b) your subscription is continuous until you cancel it or we suspend or stop providing access to the sites or products in accordance with these terms.

    You acknowledge and agree that Labonec LLC will not obtain any additional authorization from you for such automatic, recurring payments.

    Subscriptions are billed automatically based on the selected frequency using the payment method provided during the initial subscription setup.

    You'll receive a notification before each billing cycle, allowing you to make any necessary changes.

  • Modifications and Cancellations:

  • Your subscription will automatically renew until you cancel. You may cancel at any time in your personal account, but if you cancel after your next shipment has been prepared or shipped you will be responsible for all charges (including any applicable taxes and other charges) incurred prior to the cancellation of your subscription.

    Changes made before the next billing cycle will be reflected in your upcoming shipment.

  • Communication:

  • Stay informed about your subscription with regular email notifications, including order confirmations, upcoming shipment alerts, and exclusive offers.

  • Returns and Refunds:

  • Our standard return and refund policies apply to subscription orders. Please review our return policy for more information.

    By subscribing to our products, you're ensuring a seamless and personalized replenishment experience. If you have any questions or require assistance, our customer support team is here to help.